order non hybrid seeds LandRightsNFarming: Re: marti oakley show

Friday, September 23, 2016

Re: marti oakley show

On September 23, 2016, at 8:56 PM, LawrLCL@aol.com wrote:



>From: LawrLCL@aol.com
>To: lawrlcl@aol.com
>Sent: 9/23/2016 8:51:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
>Subj: marti oakley show

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>Whistleblowers!: Lawrence Lucas; USDA planting misinformation Broadcast in Current Events  yesterday
>Marti Oakley
>    05:11           
> 1:00:10  

>TS Radio Lawrence Lucas Marti Oakley Whistleblowers USDA black farmers USDA corruption influencing SCOTUS MArcel Reid
>Hosted by:  Marti Oakley
>Whistleblower's! Is presented in coordination with Marcel Reid and the Whistleblower's Summit in Washington D.C.
>Lawrence Lucas returns to discuss the Wise v USDA case now in front of the Supreme Court. 
>Eddie and Dorothy Wise have taken their case against the USDA all the way to the Supreme Court. "The Wise's are class action members of Pigford v Glickman whose family farm was foreclosed without a formal hearing on the merits pursuant to the 2007 Pigford Remedies Act. and The 2008 Food Energy Conservation Act."
>In anticipation of the possible outcome of the hearing, the USDA with the help of a national magazine has resorted to planting fluffy pieces about how wonderful things are for black farmers, especially young black farmers.  The figures mentioned in these propaganda pieces are fictional.  All information contained in the articles was supplied by USDA and presented in a specific way to mislead the reader.  Especially if the reader might be associated with the Supreme Court. It is more than obvious that no actual research or reporting was done by the authors or the magazine. If it had been done, the stories would read quite differently and future prospects for black farmers would appear to be what they are:  BLEAK
>Join us as Lawrence leads us through the webs of deceit carefully spun by the USDA and their friends.